Monday, February 23, 2009

Fill Your Toolbox

If you work in a tire or auto repair shop, you are undoubtedly familiar with the giant toolboxes that many technicians own. Some cost as much as a small car! The real value of these toolboxes is what's inside of them--the tools. That's what the techs use to do their jobs.

No technician would attempt to work without his tool and as a salesperson, you shouldn't either. You need to have a toolbox too. Not a red metal one that you roll around behind you, but a place where you keep those things that help you do your job.

My first sales toolbox was a three ring binder. It still sits on my desk and is just about filled to capacity with anything I thought might help me do my job. It gets opened up about once a week when I need to refer to something. Here's a few examples of what's in it:
  • Euro-metric load/inflation tables
  • An article from a 4WD magazine showing what amount of lift is required for larger sizes of tires.
  • Warranty brochures from several tire manufacturers.

There's more, but you get the idea. As I have moved into the digital age, I acquired another tool box: my computer desktop and the "favorites" list on my web browser. I have a number of files downloaded to my desktop which I can access in several mouse clicks.

Some of the most-often used ones are phone number lists, manufacturer's catalogs, and several forms I use regularly.

If you haven't already, then begin today to assemble the things that will help you to do your job more efficiently and more effectively. You more then anyone know what it is that you have to repeatedly look up or ask others about. Why not download or photocopy the reference material and put it where you can easily access it?

Fill your toolbox!

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